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Icing babies.

20 Jun
I had seen a few of these babies on the internet and just had to have a go at making one myself. It is made out of sugarpaste, making it totally edible (not that I could ever bring myself to eat one). Here the baby is pictured on my hand so you can see the size of it. The baby measures around 2″ long.

I just love making these babies they are so cute and you can imagine how delighted I was when I was asked to make a Christening cake with a baby on top. Here are two more babies that I made, one of which was for the Christening cake.

One thing I have learnt when making items out of icing is always make spares! Always expect the unexpected, always have a back up plan and always always always make spares. Oh and did i mention always make spares.

This is my latest cake it is a Christening cake but it could also be used for a baby shower or anything else baby related really.